What is GECEM

GECEM is headquartered in the Department of Teaching Methodology (MEN) at
the Federal University of Santa Catarina. It has been registered in CNPq’s Group Directory since 2009, and has been coordinated by Professor Dr. Cláudia Regina Flores.

It is a multidisciplinary group that combines teachers, students and researchers from the fields of Education, Exact Sciences, Pedagogy, History, and Arts. The group’s work falls within the scope of Post-Graduation, training doctors and masters; and in Graduation, with advisoring for monographys and scientific initiation.

GECEM’s theme is the articulation with culture and history to investigate issues inherent to Mathematics Education. The research problem that permeates the group is focused on the production of mathematical knowledge, mathematical teaching and learning processes, and teacher training. The methodological implications consider the constitution of meanings through language in symbolic mediations between human beings in social and cultural relations.

The group’s results are disseminated in national and international events, as well as through the publication of books and articles, aimed at teacher training regarding the theoretical and methodological foundations of mathematical teaching and knowledge, as well as in mathematical teaching and learning processes.